All the solutions for right organizational management. Payroll HR Attendance Pension Analytics BPO Payroll For the past five decades, Hilan has developed and evolved its unique payroll module based on the changing business needs of thousands of organizations in Israel. The payroll module works in synergy with other HR modules (Time & Attendance, HR, Pension etc.), on the basis of a singular database, eliminating the need for managing multiple databases and interfaces thereby avoiding human errors and achieving substantial cost savings... arrow Payroll Management Employee Self Service Solution 101 e-Form Payroll control Digital reporting of reimbursement of expenses Contractors' Employees Control SAP Payroll HR Hilan's HR module is designed to provide organizations with an accurate picture of their human capital in order to improve work processes, prevent errors, and drive real cost savings in HR processes. The HCM module operates in synergy with the payroll and time & attendance modules, using a single database, thus transforming complex processes into short and accessible ones. An experienced team of Hilan HR experts will learn your requirements processes in place and propose optimal solutions for your needs... arrow Employee HR Data Management HR Workflows Employee Recruitment Employee Performance Appraisal and Review Training Management Employee Welfare Management Compensation & Benefits Report Online Documents Management Hilan Onboarding Attendance A new and innovative solution for efficient, reliable and cost-effective management of employee time and attendance, and for preventing regulatory violations of labor and payroll law. Hilan’s vast experience, and the integration of the time & attendance and payroll data in a single core system, reduces payroll expenses and helps increase organizational efficiency without the need for executing far-reaching changes... arrow Time & Attendance management Hilanet Time & Attendance Web Portal Hilan Mobile Work scheduling Project management Pension Israel's pension market is under dramatic changes due to regulation that make employers directly responsible for managing and controlling pension payments. At the same time, growing numbers of employees are seeking to engage directly with pension and provident funds managers. Hilan pension operation management solution offers a full range of services affording your organization peace of mind and statutory compliance, error avoidance and control... arrow Pension Operation Management Pension Direct Clearing Pension Table-Rule & Multiple Agents Management Pension control Management of Severance Pay Balances Analytics The rapidly changing business environment requires extensive attention of payroll and HR personnel in order to learn, analyze and predict business insights looming on the horizon. With Hilan's analytics solution, you can investigate trends, gain valuable insights, flag exceptions, and deploy HR and cost indicators in order to take informed business decisions, while staying current and compliant with frequently changing regulations. arrow Hilan BI Simulations Compliance Control BPO Hilan's BPO services enable organizations to outsource their payroll and attendance operations management while rebranding their payroll center as a business partner focusing mainly on consulting, policy management, controls and service... arrow Payroll Managed Services Time & Attendance Managed Services