Hilan's BPO services enable organizations to outsource their payroll and attendance operations management while rebranding their payroll center as a business partner focusing mainly on consulting, policy management, controls and service.
Transitioning to BPO services allow organizations to benefit from peace of mind afforded by risk mitigation and enhanced payroll and T&A controls, greater business efficiency and leveraging Hilan's best practice to improve the quality of payroll process as a whole. As the largest payroll BPO center in Israel, the service presents high level of expertise and standards in all layers of operation, guaranteeing full compliant with regulation, organizational payroll policy, and international standards such as information security, financial management, fair business practices, etc.
Our customer base includes firms of varying size across a wide spectrum of the Israeli industry, as well as global companies, including high-tech companies, banks, hotels, industrial and transportation firms, etc.